まずは習うより慣れろということで、サンプルページ「Read formatted value from selected cell」のコードをほぼそのまま使ってみます。
<input type="button" value="クリックしてください。" onclick="execute();"></input> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://r.office.microsoft.com/r/rlidExcelWLJS?v=1&kip=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // run the Excel load handler on page load if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", loadEwaOnPageLoad); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadEwaOnPageLoad, false); } function loadEwaOnPageLoad() { var fileToken = "SD92A165759188B352!264/-7880906317294423214/"; var props = { item: "'Sheet1'!A1:C3", uiOptions: { showDownloadButton: false, showGridlines: false, selectedCell: "'Sheet1'!B2", showParametersTaskPane: false }, interactivityOptions: { allowTypingAndFormulaEntry: false, allowParameterModification: false, allowSorting: false, allowFiltering: false, allowPivotTableInteractivity: false } }; Ewa.EwaControl.loadEwaAsync(fileToken, "myExcelDiv", props, onEwaLoaded); } function onEwaLoaded() { //document.getElementById("loadingdiv").style.display = "none"; } // This sample gets the value in the highlighted cell. // Try clicking on different cells then running the sample. function execute() { // Get unformatted range values (getValuesAsync(1,...) where 1 = Ewa.ValuesFormat.Formatted) ewa.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveCell().getValuesAsync(1, getRangeValues, null); } function getRangeValues(asyncResult) { // Get the value from asyncResult if the asynchronous operation was successful. if (asyncResult.getCode() == 0) { // Get the value in active cell (located at row 0, column 0 of the // range which consists of a single cell (the "active cell")). alert("Result: " + asyncResult.getReturnValue()[0][0]); } else { alert("Operation failed with error message " + asyncResult.getDescription() + "."); } } </script> <div id="myExcelDiv" style="width: 300px; height: 100px"></div>
「Read formatted value from selected cell」のサンプルは、ボタンをクリック(executeを実行)するとアクティブセルの値をalertで表示する、というものですが、上記コードはどうやらexecute関数が上手く動作していないようです。
ewa.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveCell().getValuesAsync(1, getRangeValues, null);
1. ewa(オブジェクト?)のgetActiveWorkbookメソッドでアクティブなワークブックを取得
2. 1.で取得したワークブックオブジェクトのgetActiveCellメソッドでアクティブなセルを取得
3. 2.で取得したセル(Range?)オブジェクトのgetValuesAsyncメソッドでセルの値を取得
function ewaApplicationReady() { // Get a reference to the EWA. ewa = Ewa.EwaControl.getInstances().getItem(0); // Display the Workbook path. alert(ewa.getActiveWorkbook().getWorkbookPath()); }
「ewa = Ewa.EwaControl.getInstances().getItem(0);」、この部分でEwa.EwaControlオブジェクトを取得(EWA(Excel Web Access) Web パーツへの参照を取得)しておかないといけなかったわけですね。
<input type="button" value="クリックしてください。" onclick="execute();"></input> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://r.office.microsoft.com/r/rlidExcelWLJS?v=1&kip=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // run the Excel load handler on page load if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", loadEwaOnPageLoad); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadEwaOnPageLoad, false); } function loadEwaOnPageLoad() { var fileToken = "SD92A165759188B352!264/-7880906317294423214/"; var props = { item: "'Sheet1'!A1:C3", uiOptions: { showDownloadButton: false, showGridlines: false, selectedCell: "'Sheet1'!B2", showParametersTaskPane: false }, interactivityOptions: { allowTypingAndFormulaEntry: false, allowParameterModification: false, allowSorting: false, allowFiltering: false, allowPivotTableInteractivity: false } }; Ewa.EwaControl.loadEwaAsync(fileToken, "myExcelDiv", props, onEwaLoaded); } function onEwaLoaded() { //document.getElementById("loadingdiv").style.display = "none"; } // This sample gets the value in the highlighted cell. // Try clicking on different cells then running the sample. function execute() { ewa = Ewa.EwaControl.getInstances().getItem(0); // Get unformatted range values (getValuesAsync(1,...) where 1 = Ewa.ValuesFormat.Formatted) ewa.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveCell().getValuesAsync(1, getRangeValues, null); } function getRangeValues(asyncResult) { // Get the value from asyncResult if the asynchronous operation was successful. if (asyncResult.getCode() == 0) { // Get the value in active cell (located at row 0, column 0 of the // range which consists of a single cell (the "active cell")). alert("Result: " + asyncResult.getReturnValue()[0][0]); } else { alert("Operation failed with error message " + asyncResult.getDescription() + "."); } } </script> <div id="myExcelDiv" style="width: 300px; height: 100px"></div>
alertでアクティブセルの値「Hello, world!」が表示され、今度は上手くいきました。